Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fast Pass Winners

Over the course of the year at CMS, we are going to have some friendly competition to see which homerooms have the highest weekly attendance percentage.  The homerooms that win, will receive a "Fast Pass" to the front of the lunchroom for the following week.  Our first set of winners were Mrs. Clark's and Mrs. Arredondo's homerooms with over 90% attendance for last week.  Way to go attendance leaders!

Mrs. Clark's 8th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Arredondo's 7th Grade Homeroom

CMS Leaders Present at Board of Education Meeting

Barry Warfield and Tanner Cutright, both 8th graders at Chillicothe Middle School, addressed the Board of Education on Monday, September 23rd.  Barry and Tanner spoke to board members about the up and coming Leadership Day at CMS on Friday, October 4th.  Thank you Barry and Tanner for your great example of leadership!

Spirit Sunshine Leadership Group Announces Spirit Week Next Week

The Spirit Sunshine group will be hosting a spirit week the week of September 30th-October 4th.  Here are the themes for the different days:

Monday - Black and White Dress
Tuesday - Dress as a Tacky Tourist
Wednesday - Cavalier Spirit 
Thursday - Animated Character Day
Friday - Dress to Impress

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chillicothe Middle School Volleyball Leads in the Fight Against Cancer

 Help the volleyball team support Southern Ohio Survivors, a nonprofit organization working for cancer prevention awareness and to support local survivors. We are selling lavender Tshirts for $12 each. Lavender symbolizes awareness for all cancers. If you pre-order a Tshirt by Sept. 30th, you will get into the Serve Up a Cure game for free on Oct. 8th and get a free raffle ticket for a chance to win a prize. Check out for a link to the website to order a shirt. Tshirts will be delivered to CMS. There will also be shirts available the night of the game, but they are first come first serve. 

Order your T-Shirt today HERE

Leaders In Training Offer to Help Others

We would like to inform you of the service that our "Leaders in Training" group would like to provide to the staff and faculty here at CMS.  

The first service we will provide will be a copy service.  Attached is a copy of the work order form that will be found in the mail room.  When making a request please to fill out all information so that the students can fill your order correctly.  The group should soon have their own mailbox in the mail room in which you will turn in the completed work order form paper clipped to the original documents. The students in the group have received basic instructions for using the copy machines and will be monitored for the first few weeks to ensure we do not have any issues.  As you will see at the bottom of the work order, the students will initial and date when the order was finished as to take ownership of their service.  Please keep in mind that this group meets once a week, Tuesday during Leadership Period, so have your work orders for the week in our group's box by 9:30 Tuesday morning at the latest.

Another service we will provide will allow teachers and staff to have an extra pair of hands in their classroom or work area.  Students will help move desks, tables, chairs, hang bulletin boards, or any other "odd job" you may need assistance with.  This form, along with a list of the available Leaders, will be ready soon.  For the time being please place a request in either Mr. Justus' or Mr. Kreis' mailbox and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Need copies?  Complete THIS FORM...

Outdoor Beautification Leaders hard at work!

Our outdoor beautification leadership group worked hard today making sure our entrance looks beautiful.  Thank you to Ingle Barr Garden Center for providing the Flowers & Mulch!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Family Literacy Night - Thursday, September 26th @ 6pm

Fall Family Literacy Night will be held on Thursday September 26, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. in the CHS/CMS cafeteria. 

Stacie Hutton will present to K-4 students and their families. She will share her book Shovelful of Sunshine, a picture book about a coal mining family that uses words from a coal miner's farewell letter to his family. Stacie was born in West Virginia and grew up in southeastern Ohio. She is a former teacher and currently serves on the University of Rio Grande's Board of Trustees. She currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. 

The first 120 CCSD students/families to arrive at literacy night will receive a free autographed copy of Stacie's book! This is a $16.95 + tax value!

For our 5-8 students, Chillicothe's own Wes Molebash give a presentation on being a cartoonist, drawing, and the role literacy has played in his life. He will share how he comes up with ideas and how he completes the cells in a cartoon strip. You can check out his work at

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Leaders Welcome the Community!

Chillicothe Middle School Leaders, Alyssa Adkins, Mari-Lee Winfield, Barry Warfield, Jason Benson, and Will Roderick, helped greet and escort guests that attended the Business Advisory Partnership Meeting which took place in the Alumni Library on Wednesday, September 18th.  Thank you students for being the great leaders that you are!

Monday, September 16, 2013

New Leadership Groups

Here are our Leadership Groups and their facilitators.  Check back later for more information about each groups mission statements and big rocks!

Art Leadership
Facilitators:  Mrs. Stewart & Mrs. Porter
Meeting Room: Cafeteria

Bully Blockers
Facilitators: Mr. Stoneking & Mr. Brown
Meeting Room: Room 112

Community Service
Facilitators: Mrs. Mickey
Meeting Room: 132

Health and Fitness
Facilitators: Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Conaway, Mr. Gilsdorf, Mrs. Brison & Mrs. D. Elliott
Meeting Room: Gym

Inside Beautification
Facilitators: Ms. Wike & Mr. Park
Meeting Room: 131

Leaders In Training
Facilitators: Mr. Justus & Mr. Kreiss
Meeting Room: 123

Money Makers
Facilitators: Mrs. Montgomery
Meeting Room: 113

Outside Beautification
Facilitators: Mrs. Oates & Mrs. Loel
Meeting Room: 119

Photography/ Legacy
Facilitators: Mrs. Goldsberry & Mr. Cousins
Meeting Room: 124

Public Speaking
Facilitators: Mrs. Arredondo
Meeting Room: 139

Quiz Bowl
Facilitators: Mrs. Towne & Mr. Park
Meeting Room: 109

Sunshine/ Spirit
Facilitators: Mrs. Arledge & Mrs. Williams
Meeting Room: 121

Tech Crew
Facilitators: Mr. Ballentine & Mr. Baker
Meeting Room: 137

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Watch D.O.G.S

Calling all fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or other father figures! We want YOU to join our WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program! WatchDOG volunteers spend one full day at CMS and perform a variety of tasks including monitoring the school entrance, assisting with unloading and loading of buses and cars, monitoring the cafeteria/hallways/bathrooms, or helping in the classroom with a teacher's guidance by working with small groups of students. This program has two goals: 
1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important; 
2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. 
On October 3rd during parent teacher conferences from 3:30-7:30 pm we will have information available for  those men who may be interested. Please contact Lance Stoneking ( or call at 740-773-2241 if you would be willing to help us out.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mrs. Stewart's Class wants to lead!

Students in Mrs. Stewart's class wrote job applications to become leaders. The job placements change every quarter, and students must reapply. The positions include president/drummer, class manager, attendance leader, assignment leader, technology leaders, greeters, line leaders, reading/writing goal leaders, mission leader, and environment leader.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lessons Uploaded

Teachers, make sure to check out the teacher link to the left for all the lessons for the 7-Habits that we are using in our Leadership Periods.  Check back to the link often for more lessons...

Parents, you want to see what our students are learning about during their Leadership Period daily, check out the lessons at this link:

Leadership Groups

As we kick off this new school year, we are in the process of planning for our leadership groups.  If you have any suggestions for a leadership group this year let us know.

Don't forget about our Leadership Day on October 4th.  It is sure to be a great opportunity to share our great school with visitors from all over the state.