Leadership Groups

Here you will find the most up to-date list for our Leadership Groups.  Need to change a student's group?  Let a Lighthouse team member know and they can change it. 

Here are our Leadership Groups and their facilitators.  Check back later for more information about each groups mission statements and big rocks!

Art Leadership
Facilitators:  Ms. Henry, Mrs. Loel & Mrs. Porter
Meeting Room: Cafeteria

Book Leadership
Facilitators: Mrs. Stewart
Meeting Room: Room 118

Community Service
Facilitators: Mrs. Mickey
Meeting Room: 132

Drama Leadership
Facilitator: Ms. Cory
Meeting Room: 106

Health and Fitness
Facilitators: Mr. Coffland, Mr. Kreis, Mr. Justus, Mrs. Puckett & Mrs. Elliott
Meeting Room: Gym

Mathletes/ Science Leadership
Facilitator: Mr. Kennard
Meeting Room: 136

Outside/Inside Beautification
Facilitators: Mrs. Montgomery & Ms. Wike
Meeting Room: 131

Photography/ Legacy
Facilitators: Mrs. Arledge & Ms. Goldsberry
Meeting Room: 115

Public Speaking
Facilitators: Mrs. Arredondo
Meeting Room: 139

Quiz Bowl
Facilitators: Mrs. Towne 
Meeting Room: 109

Recycling Leadership
Facilitator: Mr. Baker
Meeting Room: 112

Facilitators: Mr. Gilsdorf
Meeting Room: 134

Student Council
Facilitator: Mrs. Clark
Meeting Room: 114

Tech Crew
Facilitators: Mrs. Burns & Mrs. Holzschuh
Meeting Room: 124


  1. It's so exciting to see kids 'take over their world'!! You kids are going to lead tomorrow's.... choose a good path!

  2. It is true! This is a fantastic environment in which to learn. Keep up the good work. Your leadership skills are evident!
